This Sunday in my place of work there appeared a venerable Reformation-
The tune in question is generally known in English as ‘Old 113th’. It was written around 1525 by Mattaus Greiter, Cantor at Strassburg (seat of Bucer’s reforming activities), for his strophic, syllabic-
Around the same time, the Nuremberg Cantor Sebald Heyden wrote a Passion hymn, ‘O Mensch, bewein dein Sünde groß’ (O man, bewail thy grievous sin), which was soon set to Greiter’s tune. This hymn is known today by English speakers primarily as the underpinnings of one of J.S. Bach’s most beautiful ornamented chorale-
Calvin, called to minister to the French-
With this tune in mind, Isaac Watts later wrote a hymn based upon Psalm 146, ‘I’ll praise my Maker with my Breath’, originally published in his collection Psalms of David in 1719. Slightly later, John Wesley made some adaptations to Watts’s text (including changing the first line to its present form, ‘I’ll praise my Maker while I’ve breath’), omitted some stanzas, and published the result in his Collection of Psalms and Hymns published in ‘Charles-
Finally, the tune had an influence even on the developing body of unofficial Roman Catholic hymnody, spawning a sort of derivative in the tune we know as ‘Lasst uns erfreuen’ or ‘Vigiles et sancti’ (used for ‘All creatures of our God and King’ [400] and ‘Ye watchers and ye holy ones’ [618] in the Hymnal), which begins in the same way.
The defining characteristics of this tune noted above – breadth of line, restriction to simple note values, limited range and mostly conjunct melody – as well as a modal orientation, are common to many sixteenth-
Abortive attempts were also made within the reforming Church of England to develop simple chant. Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury during the development of the first official English-
Great Litany S 67
Kyrie S 90
Sanctus S 113
Agnus Dei S 157
Gloria in excelsis S 201
Burial Anthems S 375–379
Unfortunately, though in some cathedral and collegiate foundations ad hoc adaptations of chant certainly took place, the fact that the Book of Common Prayer was printed without musical notation, the continuing reform of that book, and the ongoing upheaval in the national-
But tunes like ‘Old 113th’ and other Genevan Psalm-
These hymn-
Below I list selected examples of these genres that can be found in the Hymnal.
Rhythmic versions of pre-
Though it is a minority position today among chant scholars and practitioners, there is considerable evidence to show that some sort of clearly defined rhythm is characteristic of chant of certain genres and periods. The Hymnal 1982, interestingly, contains a good couple of handfuls of examples:
Ad cenam agni providi 202
Caelitum Joseph 261, 283, 361
Conditor alme siderum 26, 60
Gloria laus et honor 155
Immense caeli conditor 32
Jesu nostra redemptio 233
Nocte surgentes 2
Pange lingua 165 / S 352
Tibi Christe splendor Patris (Alleluia dulce carmen) 123
Urbs beata Jerusalem 622
Vexilla regis prodeunt 161
see also
Kyrie eleison (Mass XVI) S 85
Gloria in excelsis (Mass XIII) S 273
Gloria in excelsis (Mass XV) S 274
Late medieval chant-
As alluded to above, there was in the Middle Ages a lively exchange – along a continuum rather than across a border, no doubt – between liturgical, Latin-
Christ ist erstanden 184
based on ‘Victimae paschali laudes’, 183
Gott sei gelobet und gebenedeiet 319
based on ‘Lauda Sion salvatorem’, 320
Vom Himmel kam der Engel Schaar 77, 131
based on ‘A solis ortus cardine’, which can be found in Hymns III
Other late medieval and similar tunes
Though some of these were not printed until the sixteenth or seventeenth century – some in Roman Catholic collections – these tunes are all known or suspected to be much older. Special mention should be made of Piae cantiones, a 1582 Finnish collection of late medieval Latin songs, mostly religious, which have found their way in modern times into the stream of English hymnody thanks to the efforts of John Mason Neale and others. These are marked with [PC].
Angelus emittitur [PC] 270
Deo gracias 449
Dies est laetitiae [PC] 97
Divinum mysterium [PC] 82
Gaudeamus pariter 200, 237
In dulci jubilo 107
Personent hodie [PC] 92
Puer natus in Bethlehem 103
Puer nobis nascitur [PC] 98
see also 124, 193 for a version from a different source
Es ist ein Ros 81
O filii et filiae 203, 206
O Heiland, reiss die Himmel auf 14, 64
Omni die 341
Une jeune pucelle 114
Early Lutheran Chorals
Some number more of these, especially the Lutheran vernacular metrical versions of the Mass Ordinary and the Canticles, can easily be found in the lcms Lutheran Worship.
Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr 421
after Gloria from Mass I, Lux et origo
Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir 151
Christ lag in Todesbanden 185
after ‘Victimae paschali laudes’, 183
Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam 139
Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort 132
tune derived from ‘Veni, redemptor gentium’, 55
Erscheinen ist der herrlich Tag 201
after the Easter antiphon ‘Ad monumentum venimus’
Es ist das Heil uns kommen her 298
Herzlich tut mich verlangen 169
Ich ruf zu dir 634
Komm, Gott Schöpfer 501
based on ‘Veni creator Spiritus’, 502
Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland 54
based on ‘Veni redemptor gentium’, 55
Vater unser im Himmelreich / Old 112th 575
Genevan Psalm-tunes
Donne secours 472
Le Cantique de Siméon 36
Louez Dieu 252
Old 100th 377, 378, 380
Old 113th 429
Old 124th 149, 404
Psalm 6 308
Psalm 86 258
Psalm 42 67
Rendez à Dieu 301, 302, 413
English-Scottish Psalm-tunes and similar
As noted above, this tradition derived from the Genevan, but relatively few tunes were carried over (more in the Scottish books than in the English), and those that were were often shortened and/or simplified rhythmically. A number of British tunes were also cultivated, at first in a somewhat similar style, but many of these (and those that followed) were later squared off considerably into only two or three poetic meters and mostly uniform note values (cf. the two versions of ‘St Flavian’ found in the Hymnal).
Bristol 71
Caithness 121, 352, 684
Cheshire 581
Culross 584
Dundee 126, 526, 709
Manchester 264
Old 104th 532
Old 120th 259
derived from Genevan Psalm 81
St Flavian 332
first half of Genevan Psalm 132
St Michael 601
derived from Bourgeois
Southwell 641
Windsor 642, 643
Leading English composers Thomas Tallis and Orlando Gibbons were both commissioned to write some simple tunes for metrical psalm- and canticle-
The Third Tune 170, 692
The Eighth Tune (‘Tallis’ Canon’) 25, 43
The Ninth Tune (‘Tallis’ Ordinal’) 260, 489
Song 1 315, 499, 617
Song 4 346
Song 13 670
Song 22 703
Song 34 21, 264
French ‘church melodies’
Caelites plaudant 282
Christe sanctorum 1
O quanta qualia 348, 623
Rouen 360
(Dulce carmen 559)
not known to be a French melody, but similar in style and intent
Selected modal folk and modern tunes
Many folk, traditional, and otherwise non-
Assisi 406
Beng-Li 340
Bourbon 147, 675
Faith 689
Intercessor 695
Kedron 10, 163
King’s Weston 435
Lacquiparle 385
O gracious Light S 61
Picardy 324
Sharpthorne 605
Sheng En 342
Star in the East 118
Tender Thought 702
The Church’s Desolation 566
Wondrous love 439
* The brothers Wesley, both clergymen of the Church of England, were briefly serving in the new British colony of Georgia. This Collection was the very first hymnal (as opposed to metrical Psalter) published anywhere since the Reformation for Anglican use.
† Letter from Thomas Cranmer to King Henry VIII, 1544
It may please Your Majesty to be advertised that, according to Your Highness’ commandment, sent unto me by Your Grace’s secretary, Mr Pagett, I have translated into the English tongue, so well as I could in so short time, certain processions to be used upon festival days if after due correction and amendment of the same Your Highness shall think it so convenient. In which translation, forasmuch as many of the processions in the Latin were but barren, as meseemed, and little fruitful, I was constrained to use more than the liberty of a translator: for in some processions I have altered divers words; in some I have added part; in some taken part away; some I have left out whole, either for because the matter appeared to me to be little to purpose, or because the days be not with us festival days; and some processions I have added whole because I thought I had a better matter for the purpose than was the procession in Latin.
The judgment whereof I refer wholly unto Your Majesty, and after Your Highness hath corrected it, if Your Grace command some devout and solemn note to be made thereunto (as it is to the procession which Your Majesty hath already set forth in English). I trust it will much excitate and stir the hearts of all men unto devotion and godliness.
But in my opinion, the song that should be made thereunto would not be full of notes, but, as near as may be, for every syllable a note, [cf. Luther’s suggestion that German vernacular chant for congregational singing should be ‘arranged as syllabically as possible...since the German language is largely monosyllabic’] so that it may be sung distinctly and devoutly as be in the matins and evensong Venite, the hymns, Te Deum, Benedictus, Magnificat, Nunc dimittis, and all the psalms and versicles; and in the mass Gloria in excelsis, Gloria Patri, the Creed, the Preface, the Pater Noster, and some of the Sanctus and Agnus. As concerning the Salve festa dies, the Latin note, as I think, is sober and distinct enough, wherefore I have travailed to make the verses in English and have put the Latin note unto the same.
Nevertheless, they that be cunning in singing can make a much more solemn note thereto. I made them only for a proof, to see how English would do in song. But because mine English verses lack the grace and facility that I wish they had, Your Majesty may cause some other to make them again that can do the same in more pleasant English and phrase. As for the sentence, I suppose it will serve well enough.
Thus Almighty God preserve Your Majesty in long and prosperous health and felicity
From Bekisbourne, the 7th of October
Your Grace’s most bounden chaplain and beadsman,
T. Cantuarien
To the King’s most excellent Majesty
It may please Your Majesty to be advertised that, according to Your Highness’ commandment, sent unto me by Your Grace’s secretary, Mr Pagett, I have translated into the English tongue, so well as I could in so short time, certain processions to be used upon festival days if after due correction and amendment of the same Your Highness shall think it so convenient. In which translation, forasmuch as many of the processions in the Latin were but barren, as meseemed, and little fruitful, I was constrained to use more than the liberty of a translator: for in some processions I have altered divers words; in some I have added part; in some taken part away; some I have left out whole, either for because the matter appeared to me to be little to purpose, or because the days be not with us festival days; and some processions I have added whole because I thought I had a better matter for the purpose than was the procession in Latin.
The judgment whereof I refer wholly unto Your Majesty, and after Your Highness hath corrected it, if Your Grace command some devout and solemn note to be made thereunto (as it is to the procession which Your Majesty hath already set forth in English). I trust it will much excitate and stir the hearts of all men unto devotion and godliness.
But in my opinion, the song that should be made thereunto would not be full of notes, but, as near as may be, for every syllable a note, [cf. Luther’s suggestion that German vernacular chant for congregational singing should be ‘arranged as syllabically as possible...since the German language is largely monosyllabic’] so that it may be sung distinctly and devoutly as be in the matins and evensong Venite, the hymns, Te Deum, Benedictus, Magnificat, Nunc dimittis, and all the psalms and versicles; and in the mass Gloria in excelsis, Gloria Patri, the Creed, the Preface, the Pater Noster, and some of the Sanctus and Agnus. As concerning the Salve festa dies, the Latin note, as I think, is sober and distinct enough, wherefore I have travailed to make the verses in English and have put the Latin note unto the same.
Nevertheless, they that be cunning in singing can make a much more solemn note thereto. I made them only for a proof, to see how English would do in song. But because mine English verses lack the grace and facility that I wish they had, Your Majesty may cause some other to make them again that can do the same in more pleasant English and phrase. As for the sentence, I suppose it will serve well enough.
Thus Almighty God preserve Your Majesty in long and prosperous health and felicity
From Bekisbourne, the 7th of October
Your Grace’s most bounden chaplain and beadsman,
T. Cantuarien
To the King’s most excellent Majesty
‡ Indeed, precisely the same compositional techniques were used in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries by musicians setting these Chorals and Psalm-tunes (the so-called Choral-motet and polyphonic Psalm-tune settings like the one mentioned above as well as those by Goudimel and later Sweelinck and van Noordt) as were used with polyphonic settings of Latin-texted chants, though the strophic and usually much wordier nature of the vernacular texts can make these Protestant settings sound rather busier. The early Lutheran Choral has continued to inspire composers right through to our own day, and scholars and advocates of congregational song in many parts of the Western Church during the period coinciding with the ‘Liturgical Movement’ have recognized and promoted the suitability and adaptability of this modal repertory.