An Advent Prose
revised translation, newly set to the traditional set-forms
pages | booklet
Gloria in excelsis
ELLC, adapted from Missa ‘de angelis’
pages | booklet
Gloria in excelsis
for use with Hymnal 1982 paraphrase, adapted from Missa ‘lux et origo’
single page
The Great Litany
BCP1979, set to Sarum tones
pages | booklet
The Nicene Creed
Enriching Our Worship, set to simple tone derived from Credo I
pages | booklet
Sanctus & Benedictus qui venit
ELLC, Ambrosian ferial
single page
Padre nuestro
traditional chant adapted for the Libro de Oración Común text
pages | booklet
Te Deum laudamus
Enriching Our Worship, set to Antiphonale Monasticum tone
pages | booklet
Te Deum laudamus
Enriching Our Worship, set to Vatican Simple Tone
pages | booklet
BCP1979, set to ancient simple tones
pages | booklet