The Sunday after Ascension Day
In the days between the feast of the Ascension of Our Lord (the Thursday forty days after Easter) and the Day of Pentecost (the Sunday seven weeks after Easter) the Church dwells on Christ’s teaching and promises regarding what would happen after his departure. At the Daily Office several items change for this mini-
The Collect for this Sunday –
O God, the King of glory, you have exalted your only Son Jesus Christ with great triumph to your kingdom in heaven: Do not leave us comfortless, but send us your Holy Spirit to strengthen us, and exalt us to that place where our Savior Christ has gone before...
– sums them up: we celebrate Christ’s return to the Father, victorious in what he was sent to accomplish on earth; we await the promised outpouring of the Holy Spirit; and we live in the hope that we will follow where Our Lord has led. The Introit for this Sunday, from Psalm 27, speaks especially to this latter theme:
...Your face is all my longing; your face, O Lord, will I seek out; do not turn your countenance away from me. One thing have I asked of the Lord; one thing I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the fair beauty of the Lord, and to seek him in his temple.
A most powerful hymn on Christ’s exaltation, ‘At the Name of Jesus’ [435], will be sung this week; please see the notes for Proper 29.
Another fine hymn suitable for this day is ‘Alleluia! sing to Jesus!’ [460]. Written by William Chatterton Dix (also the author of ‘What child is this’ [115], and ‘As with gladness men of old’ [119]), it was titled ‘Redemption by the Precious Blood’ and published in one of Dix’s own collections, Altar Songs, Verses on the Holy Eucharist (1867). Indeed stanzas 3 and 4 are much concerned with the subject that is the title of this collection, and for this reason stanza 4 is omitted at our Liturgy of the Word.
This Eucharistic heart of the text is much inspired by the Epistle to the Hebrews, in which Christ is described as the great High Priest who has entered the Holy of Holies; made the one perfect, eternal sacrifice of himself; and then ‘sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high’ – a place to which God has lifted him up. This exaltation is alluded to in several Epistles and described in vividly physical terms in St Luke’s Gospel and Acts of the Apostles and in this hymn. From there we can back up to Our Lord’s promises – ‘I will not leave you orphaned’ [Jn 14.18]; ‘I am with you always’ [Mt 28.20] – and look forward to the Revelation to St John, also quoted or alluded to in the first stanza (and its repetition as the last), and in the third. The repetition of ‘Alleluia’ at the beginning of the first and third lines of each stanza ties them all together and reminds us that Ascensiontide is part of the larger season of Eastertide, throughout which rings this acclamation of praise to God.
This hymn is set in the Hymnal 1982 to two tunes, of which the much more popular is ‘Hyfrydol’ [460, also used in this book for ‘Love divine, all loves excelling’, 657, and used for several other texts in other collections]. This tune, whose Welsh name (pronounced huh-VRUH-doll) means ‘joyful’, was written by the twenty-
Hymn 222 was referred to in the notes for the Fourth Sunday of Easter in comparison to 182, ‘Christ is alive!’. This week 222 serves as our anthem. Written by Albert Bayly (like Brian Wren, the author of ‘Christ is alive!’, a Congregationalist minister and a prominent twentieth-
For use as an anthem we have chosen to set this text to the tune ‘Compline’ [41]. Written by the living American composer David Hurd (several other of whose hymn-