The Gradual Psalm appointed for this Sunday is 146, which the shapers of our lectionary chose to accompany two healing accounts in Sunday’s Gospel portion. The Prayer Book translation of the psalm, as usual, will be sung with an appropriate antiphon after the first Lesson. Part of a paraphrase of this psalm, ‘I’ll praise my Maker while I’ve breath’, is found at Hymn 429 (see the notes for 2021.02.07 for much more on this hymn), and this will serve as the opening hymn at 11:15. The tune used for this hymn, which English speakers usually call ‘Old 113th’, also forms the basis of three other pieces to be heard on Sunday.
Two of these, for organ, stem from the German Lutheran tradition, where this tune was most often used for the text ‘O Mensch, bewein dein Sünde groß’ (O mortal, bewail your great sin). The Prelude at 11:15 comes from Lynar B3, part of a set of tablature manuscripts of seventeenth-
‘Old 113th’ also forms part of the Calvinist stream of metrical paraphrases of psalms, whence it comes to the English-
The theme of healing is also picked up in the Communion anthem, which is a chant proper to another Sunday which features a healing story –
Many who were sickly and were being troubled by unclean spirits were coming to Jesus: for power was going forth from him, and he healed all of them.
Luke 6.17–19
Luke 6.17–19
– as well as in the Postcommunion hymn, ‘Thine arm, O Lord, in days of old’ [567, also covered in the aforementioned notes for 2021.02.07].
The Epistle portion, though part of its own series not intended to relate to the Gospel, nevertheless forms a crucial corollary to Psalm 146. The Lord, says our psalmist, gives justice to the oppressed and food to the hungry, frees prisoners, restores sight, lifts up the burdened, cares for the stranger, sustains those in need. St James challenges us in no uncertain terms to do precisely, literally, the same. If we show partiality to the rich (thus idolizing our oppressors, James perceptively notes – many of us no doubt also forming part of that class and, however unwittingly, demonstrating that behavior ourselves), then we dishonor God’s beloved poor, whereas we are called instead to emulate the one who is rich in mercy and blessings, and to meet the needs of our kindred. Our downtown setting gives us ample opportunity to take up this challenge: every one of us will pass ‘a poor person in dirty clothes’ on our way in the door, and (we pray) some such persons will even come in to our assembly, as in the vivid scene which James describes. As another hymn to be sung Sunday, ‘When Christ was lifted from the earth’ [603], says, ‘may [we] in Christ be free / to welcome and accept [Christ’s] own / as Christ accepted [us]’.