Although the Fourth Sunday of Easter in the modern lectionary is always a ‘Good Shepherd’ Sunday, featuring relevant selections from the Gospel of John and concomitantly Psalm 23, shepherd imagery also appears at other times. This Sunday we read in Mark’s Gospel that Jesus looked upon the crowds who came to see him as ‘sheep without a shepherd’, and from our perspective – with the context of the aforementioned passages from John’s Gospel – we naturally understand Our Lord to have taken up the role of shepherd to those flocks. Indeed, in the passage from Jeremiah we read that, in place of ‘shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of [his] pasture’, the Lord promised to ‘raise up shepherds over them who will shepherd them, and they shall not fear any longer...’, and to ‘raise up for David a righteous Branch’; Christians of course see Christ to be the fulfillment of these promises. Psalm 23 completes the set of related readings.
This week we will not sing any of the hymn-
The petition ‘Savior, abide with us, and spread / thy table in our heart’ is rather like that at the end of another hymn we sing Sunday, ‘Blest are the pure in heart’ [656]: ‘give us a pure and lowly heart, / a temple fit for thee’. Another prayer, not for Christ’s presence but for the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, constitutes the text of the Offertory anthem at 11:15, William Wordsworth’s translation of a sonnet by the artist Michelangelo Buonarroti, as set beautifully by twentieth-
The prayers I make will then be sweet indeed,
if thou the spirit give by which I pray;
my unassisted heart is barren clay,
which of its native self can nothing feed;
of good and pious works thou art the seed
which quickens only where thou say’st it may;
unless thou show us then thine own true way,
no man can find it! Father, thou must lead.
Do thou, then, breathe those thoughts into my mind
by which such virtue may in me be bred
that in thy holy footsteps I may tread;
the fetters of my tongue do thou unbind,
that I may have the pow’r to sing of thee
and sound thy praises everlastingly.
if thou the spirit give by which I pray;
my unassisted heart is barren clay,
which of its native self can nothing feed;
of good and pious works thou art the seed
which quickens only where thou say’st it may;
unless thou show us then thine own true way,
no man can find it! Father, thou must lead.
Do thou, then, breathe those thoughts into my mind
by which such virtue may in me be bred
that in thy holy footsteps I may tread;
the fetters of my tongue do thou unbind,
that I may have the pow’r to sing of thee
and sound thy praises everlastingly.