The Yigdal is a hymn (perhaps written around 1400, and sung in many Jewish traditions at morning and evening services) based upon the 13 Articles of Faith compiled by Moses ben Maimon (Maimonides), the medieval Sephardic rabbi, Torah scholar, philosopher, astronomer, and physician. Upon hearing the Yigdal sung in the Great Synagogue in London around 1763, the Methodist preacher Thomas Olivers (an associate of John Wesley’s) wrote an expanded and intentionally Christianized paraphrase of it, ‘The God of Abraham praise’ (parts of which are found at Hymn 401). This he published with the seventeenth-
In 1884, in Rochester, New York, the rabbi Max Landsberg asked a local Unitarian minister to make a closer, non-
The repetition of the first couplet of the hymn at its end is a particularly effective evocation of the eternity of God, which is the very subject of that couplet, and the whole describes powerfully both the radical transcendence of God and the ways in which Creation reflects and depends upon its Creator.