Scheidemann: Christ lag in Todesbanden

Christ lag | in todes ban= | de[n] | H S M
Pedaliter ||
Secundus | Versus auff 2 | clavier | Pedaliter ||
Versus Tertius. | et Ultim[us]
  Zellerfeld Tablature Ze1
(Hieronymus Jordan, Braunschweig, ca 1635–45?)

Luther’s Easter song ‘Christ lag in Todesbanden’ is perhaps one of the best, and best known, of Luther’s own religious songs and indeed of the whole earliest layer of Reformation song. Eschewing the dry doctrine, polemics, and other failings of some of its kindred, it instead recounts the cosmic struggle between the powers of Life and Death in vivid Scriptural language. The tune is derived from the Easter Sequence, ‘Victimae paschali laudes’, via the medieval song ‘Christ ist erstanden’, a favorite of Luther’s.

Scheidemann left us with three versets on ‘Christ lag in Todesbanden’. Given that the text has seven stanzas, it seems reasonable to assign Scheidemann’s versets to the even-numbered stanzas. Two of the three indeed seem suited to specific stanzas: the plaintive beauty of the second verset, in coloratura style, could be seen to portray the second stanza, which deals with the sin of humankind, while it is tempting to assign the third verset to the fourth stanza, which depicts the battle between Life and Death, because of its two-voice texture. Although one might assume that the first verset in the source should be played first, either as an introduction or in place of the first stanza, it seems equally well suited to stand for the joyful sixth stanza. For the remaining stanzas I have included the melody alone (in the form found in Scheidemann’s first verset, which does not exactly match any source known to me), and then four-voice, treble-melody settings by Osiander (Fünfftzig Geistliche Lieder und Psalmen, 1588); Haßler (Kirchengesäng, 1608); and Decker (Melodeyen Gesangbuch, 1604), in that – increasingly splendid – order.

The text is given here, with literal translation based on that found at

Christ lag in Todes banden
für unser Sünde gegeben,
Der ist wider erstanden
und hat uns gebracht das Leben.
Daß wir sollen fröhlich sein,
Gott loben und danckbar sein
und singen Halleluja,

Christ lay in death’s bonds,
given for our sin;
who is risen again
and has brought us life,
that we should be joyful,
praise God and be thankful to him
and sing hallelujah.

Den Todt niemandt bezwingen kundt
bey allen Menschen Kindern;
Das machet alles unser Sünd,
kein unschuldt war zu finden.
Davon kam der Todt so bald
Und nam über uns Gewalt,
hielt uns in seinem Reich gefangen.

Nobody could restrain death,
among all the children of humankind;
our sin made all that so;
no innocence was to be found.
As a result, death came immediately
and seized power over us,
held us imprisoned in its realm.

Jesus Christus wahr Gottes Sohn,
an unser statt ist kommen
Und hat die Sünde abgethan,
damit dem Tod genommen
All sein Recht und sein Gewalt;
Da bleibt nichts denn Todes Gestalt,
Den Stachel hat er verlohren.

Jesus Christ, God’s true son,
has come in our stead
and did away with our sin,
thereby taking from death
all its privilege and its power.
There remains nought but death’s
it has lost its sting.                         [form.

Es war ein wunderlicher Krieg,
da Todt und Leben rungen;
Das Leben das behielt den Sieg,
Es hat den Todt verschlungen.
Die Schrifft hat verkündet das,
Wie ein Todt den andern fraß,
ein spott aus dem Tod ist worden.

It was a wondrous battle,
where Death and Life wrestled;
Life got the victory;
it has swallowed up Death.
Scripture has proclaimed this:
How one death devoured the other,
[And] a mockery was made of Death.

Hie ist das rechte Osterlamb,
davon Gott hat gebotten,
Das ist hoch an des Creutzes stamm
in heisser liebe gebraten,
Des Blut zeichnet unser Thür,
Das helt der Glaub dem Tode für,
der Würger kan uns nicht rühren.

Here is the true Paschal Lamb
whereof God has commanded,
which is, up on the cross’s trunk,
roasted in ardent love.
The blood marks our door,
[blood] with which faith rebukes death;
the Destroyer Angel cannot touch us.

So feyren wir das hohe Fest
Mit hertzen Frewd und Wonne,
das uns der HErre scheinen lest,
Er ist selber die Sonne,
der durch seiner Gnaden glantz
erleuchtet unser hertzen gantz,
der Sünden Nacht ist vergangen.

Thus we celebrate the high feast
with joy of heart and gladness
which the Lord lets shine upon us;
he himself is the sun,
who through his luster of grace
illumines our hearts entirely;
the night of sin is past.

Wir essen und leben wol
in rechten Osterfladen,
der alte Sawerteig nicht sol
sein bey dem Wort der gnaden,
Christus wil die Speise sein
und speisen die Seel allein,
der Glaub wil keins andern leben.

Well do we eat and live
in the true paschal bread;
the old leavened bread shall not
be with the word of grace.
Christ will be the nourishment
and alone feed the soul;
faith will live by none other.